Get out your green and get ready for fun – shore and begorra!
You’re invited to the
Shamrock Shindig!
Friday, March 12 2021
6:30 pm via Zoom
Shamrock Shindig will be a celebration of all things Irish! Presented by GoodTaste! Pittsburgh, the region’s premiere producer of culinary events, this virtual event will be filled with blarney, beer, munchies, music and malarkey!
Friends can celebrate together while staying safely apart during an interactive zoom session featuring Irish beer, Irish music, reels & jigs, and lively demonstrations. If you’ve ever pondered the proper way to kiss the Blarney Stone or order a pint of the plain, this is for you!
Crafted to support local businesses, this custom-curated event includes an essential event kit featuring:
a customized beer glass from Pittsburgh City Paper
• a can of Guinness beer
• a bottle of Harp ale
• a mini loaf of Irish brown bread
• a sample bottle of Stout Beer Balsamic Vinegar from Oakmont Olive Oil
• Irish pastry, candy and teas from the Irish Design Center
and • a free ticket to the Pittsburgh Irish Festival in September
Dr. Maura Krushinski, co-founder of the Pittsburgh Irish Festival and owner of the Irish Design Center, will host the shindig and share her abiding love of Irish heritage and culture.
Virtually broadcast via Zoom from Mullaney’s Harp & Fiddle, an authentic Irish pub located in the heart of Pittsburgh’s Strip District, festivities will include:
• Pouring a proper Black and Tan by Dave Regan, GM of Mullaney’s Harp & Fiddle
• Irish music with a rocking flare by Pittsburgh’s own Whiskey Limericks band
• Baking brown bread and other Irish favorites by Chef Meghann Walsh
• A fanciful yarn from traditional Irish storyteller Alan Irvine
• Reels and jigs from award-winning bagpiper Ryan Myett
Tickets Shamrock Shindig are just $45 and include the Essential Event kit and full event access.
Free pick-up of tasting kits will be available at the Irish Design Center on Wednesday, March 10 from 10am - 5pm, and Friday March 12 from 10am-3pm, 303 S. Craig Street, Pittsburgh.
no refunds or exchanges
All sales final. No refunds.
Shamrock Shindig tickets are just $45 and include the Essential Event kit and full event access.
Free pick-up of tasting kits will be available at the Irish Design Center, 303 S. Craig Street, Pittsburgh. Details coming soon!
no refunds or exchanges